Scriptures for Study
1. Ephesians 4:26 According to this verse, is it proper to be angry? What is the inappropriate handling of anger called?
2. Mark 3:1-6 Observe how the Lord Jesus experienced angry feelings. By referring back to Mark 4:27, can you see his stated conviction which these Pharisees were violating by their rules? What was it?
3. Hebrews 12:15 What two things are the result of bitterness?
4. Matthew 18:32-35 What could be some physical and emotional consequences that may come to the person who holds a grudge, as suggested by being delivered to the tormentors?
Additional Study
Look up the following references for bitterness and list the negative effects and personal application.
Colossians 3:19
Negative effects ___________________________________________
Personal application ________________________________________
Hebrews 12:15
Negative effects ___________________________________________
Personal application ________________________________________
James 3:10-12
Negative effects ___________________________________________
Personal application ________________________________________
Personal Project # 1
Develop a personal anger chart listing several occasions when you were angry. There should be five columns, headed as follows:
Circumstances (list who or what happened to which you responded in anger)
Degree of Anger (describe whether it was minor or major and how long it lasted)
Reaction (describe what you did about your anger)
Helpful or Hurtful (your judgment about whether or not your reaction was helpful or hurtful)
Putting away the Anger (describe what you did about the anger, how you handled it, and what you did to defuse it, reject it, and have victory over it)
The project above could be used every time you are grappling with anger. It would help you recognize what you are doing with anger and how it effects you.
Questions to Consider
1. In what situations do you usually become angry?
2. Imagine a scale starting at peaceful. . . . progressing through irritation and
frustration to angry. Where are you on this scale most of the time?
3. How do others see you?
4. Reflect on the anger level in the home where you grew up. How has this affected you?
5. What are the characteristics of righteous anger?
6. What is the role of the Holy Spirit and what is your role in developing self- control? (Be specific and practical)
7. How would you advise a married couple, who regularly fight, to overcome their anger in the short term and also in the long haul?
8. Read Ephesians 4:29-32. Would you say your fellowship group is characterized by positive or negative speech. (If it is negative, how can you help change it?)
9. How can a timid person develop the ability to confront unfairness and an angry spirit in another person?
Personal Project (II)
List individuals who have offended you and add the other information indicated.
Offender __________________________________
How he or she offended me ____________________________________
How I responded ___________________________________________
Date I chose to forgive offender _______________
My action to rebuild our relationship ____________________________
Circumstances (list who or what happened to which you responded in anger)
Degree of Anger (describe whether it was minor or major and how long it lasted)
Reaction (describe what you did about your anger)
Helpful or Hurtful (your judgment about whether or not your reaction was helpful or hurtful)
Putting away the Anger (describe what you did about the anger, how you handled it, and what you did to defuse it, reject it, and have victory over it)
The project above could be used every time you are grappling with anger. It would help you recognize what you are doing with anger and how it effects you.
Verses I Will Memorize To Help Me
Have Victory Over Anger!
Phil. 4:13 ____ James 1:19-20 ____ Eph. 4:26-27 ____
Rom. 8:37 ____ Eph. 4:31-32 ____ Prov. 15:1 ____
Prov. 16:25 ____ Col. 3:8 ____ Heb. 12:15 ____
I Thess. 5:24 ____ Eph. 5:20 ____ Phil. 4:6 ____
(Put a check on the blank as you memorize these verses.)
Dealing With ANGER In Daily Life!
How can we overcome anger which so often is seen in so many ways in our lives? Anger, like every other emotion, may be a good and useful emotion put to constructive, godly use. (See Mark 3:5; Eph. 4:25.) Or it may be a sinful emotion, which is used in ungodly, harmful, and destructive ways.
This study is designed to help you discern between sinful and righteous anger and to aid you in overcoming the sinful expressions of anger which are harmful and destructive.
Toward whom, about what have you
been angry?
1. At whom or what is your anger most frequently directed?
a. Other people?___________________________________________
b. Your circumstances or environment? __________________________
c. At yourself? ____________________________________________
d. God?_________________________________________________
2. Describe the last three situations in which you became angry!
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________
3. Discern and write down what the following verses have to say about the wrong way to handle anger.
You are handling anger in a sinful and unbiblical manner when you:
First two are (a b) examples:
a. Eph. 4:26, 27: Refuse to admit when you angry. Clam up and pretend nothing is wrong. Make this way of dealing with anger a practice.
b. Prov. 17:14: Pick a fight as soon as you can. Be as nasty as you can.
c. Prov. 29:11: ___________________________________________
d. Eph. 4:31: _____________________________________________
e. Prov. 15:1: _____________________________________________
f. James 1:19,20:__________________________________________
What Does God Say About
Handling Anger?
Discern and write down what the following verses have to say about the right way to handle anger. Constantly review what God says about the right way of handling anger and deliberately seek to obey God.
(First two are examples.)
1. Rom.12:19-21: Never take your own revenge; turn the matter of punishment over to God; seek to help your enemy in specific ways.
2. Eph. 4:26: Acknowledge that you are angry and seek to solve the problem immediately. Dont allow unresolved problems to pile up.
3. Eph. 4:29: _______________________________________________
4. Eph. 4:32: _______________________________________________
5. Matt. 5:43, 44: ___________________________________________
6. Prov. 19:11: ______________________________________________
7. Prov. 15:28: ______________________________________________
8. Prov. 16:32: ______________________________________________
9. Prov.25:28:_______________________________________________
What Christian Qualities Are Most
Lacking in Your Life?
As you study the following, what do you see lacking in your life? Examine your life in the light of:
Galatians 5:22,23 (What is missing in your life?)
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
II Peter 1:5-8 (List what is missing.)
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
James 3:17 (Make a list of these important characteristics of godly wisdom. Are these in your life or are they lacking?)
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
As you work on these studies your goal should be to overcome the
problem of personal anger. Often one must work through personal
projects over and over again to make any permanent changes in the
battle with anger.
I would suggest making extra copies of these projects so you can
put forth effort for continued victory.
-- Dr. Edward Watke Jr.
Copyright 2000, Revival In the Home Ministries #