Do You Have Willingness?
God actually showed Moses a model of the tabernacle as he met God in the mount those 40 days and nights. (Exod. 25:9: Heb. 8:5)
The tabernacle, as a sanctuary, was to be only temporary. The people would have died if God had come to them in their own tents, for they were sinners, so God needed a house where He could meet them on the basis of atoning blood.
The study of the building of the tabernacle, the creation of the Brazen Altar, The Laver, the Golden Candlestick, Altar of Incense and Table of Shewbread... and the Holy of Holies is a wonderful study as all of this typifies Christ and the walk of the believer.
Christ Jesus is tabernacling among us, and it is only in the person of Christ that God can fellowship with us today. Thus, the tabernacle becomes a wonderful type of Christ.
Man did not design the tabernacle, God did. Man only executed the plan of God. Salvation is also by divine plan, and man only enters into it by faith.
God desired that the tent of His dwelling would be built with the treasures of the people and this is the part we desire to examine.
I. They Brought a WILLING OFFERING to GOD: Exod. 35: 4-9, 29
A. God spoke:
1. Moses had been in the mount; God had spoken to him about the tabernacle.
2. You will find this beginning in Exodus chapter 25, and then chapters 30-36 where it is given in great detail.
B. God commanded: 35:4
1. They were to heed Gods command about the tabernacle -- how it was to be built... where... when... of what materials... and all its furnishings were to be designed according to His will.
2. God has a perfect will and His will for the tabernacle was precise, explicit, detailed, and was to be done as God gave Moses in the mount -- perfectly to the best of their ability and without fail.
C. God required an offering: 35:5
1. Each was to give willingly from his heart; God would not force Himself upon the people, nor would He dwell in a house built by compulsion.
2. God asked them to give of their own treasures -- the gifts the Egyptians had given them when they left Egypt, and their accumulated wealth received from their fathers.
3. God ask of them their silver, gold, and brass, and their most precious possessions.
4. They were to bring their most beautiful cloth and goat skins and give them to God.
5. They were to use Shittim wood, the only wood of the desert... olive oil, spices, etc.
D. God also desired the wise hearted, to make all things needed: 35:10, 21-22, 24, 25, 29
1. Every wisehearted among you are to come and make all that the Lord hath commanded.
2. The tabernacle-- his tent, coverings, taches, boards, bars, pillars, sockets.
3. The ark, staves... etc. a long list that made up all of the furnishings and materials of which it was to be made.
35:20, 21, 24-26, 29
1. Vs 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lords offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation and for all his service and for the holy garments.... and vs 22
2. Their hearts were stirred up; the spirits were willing, to labor, to give of their skill -- vs 25- 26
3. All the wise hearted to whom God gave special wisdom and ability, gave of their skills. vs 30-35
a. God filled them with His Spirit... in wisdom,
b. understanding, knowledge and in all manner of workmanship... to devise curious works... He hath put in his heart that he may teach... etc.
Moving on to the building of the temple at a later date we read the following:
III. There Was a SETTLED PURPOSE: I Chron. 29:1-2
A. David prepared with all his might.
B. David desired to prepare for the building of the temple, later built under his son.
IV. There was an ACTIVE RESOLVE: I Chron. 29:3
A. This resolve was based on Davids affection for the house of his God,
B. I have therefore of mine own proper good,... given to the house of my God.. over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house.... vs 4,5
V. There was a WILLING HEARTED SERVICE: I Chron. 29:5-14
A. Character of it: vs, 6-9
1. rejoicing
2. offered willingly, because of perfect heart
3. offered unto the Lord.
B. Majesty of it all: vs 10-14
Study by Dr. Edward Watke Jr. #.