Evaluation Questions To
Help a Couple!
By Dr. Edward Watke Jr.
(Questions to stimulate discussion and understanding of
one another as husbands and wives. . . in eight different areas of life.)
In building a house there must be a thorough evaluation of everything as a house is being built, in a similar way we need to check up on our marriage and look at what is taking place in our relationships.
In the house building process, there are periodic inspections through the process. At each step the city inspector evaluates whether or not the work is up to standard. Do we analyze our daily life and look at reality?
A. It is good when in marriage we have periodic inspections to insure our relationship is headed in the right direction.
1. In a house a short can develop in the electrical wiring or a major plumbing problem can arise before we see the need to correct the damage inside the walls.
2. So in marriage, we may have things gradually happening that need to be looked at. Possibly some damaging attitudes are allowed to remain in life?
3. Maybe some things we never have considered from the past impact what is happening today. Possibly some things have been covered for years.
B. We will be looking at things that conditioned you for today
and what you facing presently!
Considering the Questions
Take time to sit down privately and answer the questions.
Then sit down with your mate or prospective mate and go on an expedition together.
Your talking probably will stimulate more questions.
Share your feelings as much as possible.
Have your partner repeat back to you what he (or she) has heard you say.
Finally, discuss ways to come to better understanding about how you both want these areas in your relationship changed or improved. Consider together what the Word of God says with the intent to obey it. Be specific and set some goals.
Dealing With Conflict:
1. How did your parents deal with conflict? ___________________________
2. When conflict arose in your family, what happened (silence, withdrawal, anger, open discussion, etc.)? _____________________________________
3. How was conflict resolved? _______________________________________
4. Did one parent always seem to win in the end? _____________________
1. How was love demonstrated in your own family of origin? ____________
2. How were you disciplined? _______________________________________
3. Was the discipline harsh or suited to the offense?_____________________
4. Did you live up to your parents expectations? _______________________
1. How did you learn about money management? ______________________
2. Who took primary responsibility for money matters in your home? What significant patterns do you have today that reflect your familys view of finances? _____________________________________________________
3. What was your familys philosophy or motto regarding money (not what was said, but what was lived)? ___________________________________
Sexual Aspects:
1. Was appropriate physical affection shown in your family?_____________
2. Was sex a taboo subject? _________________________________________
3. How were nudity and sexual issues handled? ________________________
4. What was the underlying tone in your home regarding sex and your sexuality? ____________________________________________________
1. Was it safe to talk about feelings in your own home? __________________
2. Who was the communicator in your family? ________________________
3. Were you expected to read minds?(explain)________________________
4. Could you express your emotional needs and receive proper response?
In Laws/Extended Family:
1. What role did your grandparents play in your family?________________
2. Was your family loyalty important?_______________________________
3. Were there family secrets that were forbidden subjects?_______________
4. Who, besides your parents, could you go to for support and understanding?
1. Was having fun as a family legislated in your home? _______________
2. Did you vacation as a family?____________________________________
3. Was it an enjoyable experience? __________________________________
4. What family experiences stand out in your mind? ___________________
5. Was recreation a leisurely experience or just another arena for competitiveness? ______________________________________________
1. How was Gods character portrayed in your family? __________________
2. What did you learn, sense, or feel as to what God the Father is like from the pattern you saw in your earthly father? ________________________
3. Was tradition more important than true relationship with God?
4. What one significant message about yourself and about God did come out of childhood believing? ____________________________________________
5. Do you feel a true sense of Gods acceptance and love? _________________
You may be surprised at the differences between your and your spouse.
You may find that many of your present responses, attitudes, and reactions to life were programmed during your childhood and teen years. They are learned responses to which you still respond.
You may become aware that much of your anger, frustration, and misunderstanding of one another is at the core of the areas considered above.
You also may become aware that much of your parenting has been done from the responses you had toward life as you grew up.
And that much of the time the parenting is (was) from the negative, failing side of things in your own life and how you viewed life in general.
Things You Need to Consider and Change:
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
Revival In the Home Ministries... Dr. Edward Watke Jr. #.