To be a dynamic person for God should be the all consuming desire of every Christian, especially those who lead a home.
In this outline study we want to consider what is necessary to be that kind of person for God.
A. You must be in a continual state of thanksgiving to the Lord.
(Psa. 145:1-7; Psa. 111; Psa. 146:1-2)
1. One statement of gratefulness is worth a 1,000 arguments that your child would do right.
2. If you are not grateful for your childrens and spouses efforts they will likely quit making the effort to please you.
3. Produce a spirit of contentment by stopping the criticalness
and enjoy what you have. (Phil. 4:4; 11-13; Heb. 13:5)
4. You cannot always be lecturing, but you can be goal setting on
your own in areas of gratefulness.
B. You must have a genuine spirit of humility. (I Pet. 5:5-6, 10)
1. Be willing to admit when you are wrong. (James 4:6-10)
2. Every Christian dad should be willing to remember past failures and
be willing to admit freely when wrong. (Psa. 51:17; 34:18)
3. Praise God for success, be genuine, give God the glory.
4. Express your need and love for your family. (When you do not
express your love you hurt your family.)
5. Be humble for every family member can teach you something.
C. You must learn to control your tongue and your emotions.
1. A dad cant be down without it effecting the family. Or if you have a bad temper or other emotional failures the whole family is hurt. (James 1:1-4; 1:19; 3:13-18)
2. Encourage yourself in the Lord, rest in His grace.
(Eph. 6:10; Josh. 1:1-9)
3. Study James 3 and I Corinthians 13 often.
D. You must have good manners.
(Rom. 12:10; Phil. 2:1-3)
1. Politeness to the family shows what you think of them. (I Pet. 3:8-11)
2. A lack of good manners indicates a lack of respect. (I Pet. 3:8)
E. You must accept each CHILD as he is. (Rom. 15:7)
1. Acceptance is the opposite of rejection.
2. Rejection brings friction and friction produces bondage.
3. We manifest rejection in many different ways
a. by indifference,
b. by neglecting to speak, or to listen,
c. by body language actions that speak rejection to the other person.,
d. by our selfish, self-centered actions, by sinful reactions.
4. Remember children develop at different rates, they are at different levels of maturity, and different stages of maturing.
5. Never make unfavorable comparisons with others -- in ability,
physical aspects, etc.
6. Remember people are different in temperament, outlook, personality, etc.
F. You must earn the right to have respect shown to you.
(Eph. 5:23; I Cor. 11:3)
1. You earn respect by meeting needs, and manifesting a humble attitude.
2. You earn respect by the living out your own Christian faith.
3. You earn respect by faithfulness to each one.
G. You must set the standard of a godly home.
(Titus 2; Gen. 35:1-3; 7, 9-15; Josh. 24:15)
(I Pet. 5:8; Lk 23:31-32; I Cor. 16:13)
A. When a wife is more alert to danger than her husband, she is apt to lose confidence in her husbands spiritual leadership.
B. When a husband does not see the dangers, he will also experience
greater guilt on his part, and will bring failure into the family.
C. God calls for all of us to be alert.
This challenge is given to us often in the Word of God. (I Cor. 16:13;
Matt. 24:42)
> Mk 14:38 ; I Thess. 5:16; I Pet. 4:7;
> I Cor. 16:13; Eph. 6:10-14; II Tim. 2:22
D. What it means to be ALERT!
1. Recognize false ideas, deceptive reasonings.
2. Detect subtle temptations, wrong motives.
3. Determine unwise associations, destructive friendships.
4. Foresee conflicts, problems before they happen.
5. Discern promptings of the Holy Spirit and obey them.
E. To what should you be alert?
1. What errors might your family be exposed to?
2. What affects your family?: what do they read?, or TV they watch?
3. Do you know the spiritual condition of the people each one of you
are around? What outlook do they have?
4. Have you noted the content of the things your family is absorbing? The things we read, listen to, etc., are the seed thoughts of what we are becoming. (Prov. 4:23)
5. What philosophies or ideologies are influencing your family? Does your family have a grasp of Scriptural truth and are they led by the
Word of God? Is the Word of the authority in your life?
If your children (or child) is aware of tension or anger between parents,
(about discipline, etc.) they may become rebellious.
Parents who are not treating children with respect, and fairly as a person
of worth will help build rebellion.
Feelings of inferiority and rejection will help to build rebellion.
They need a strong sense of self-worth and acceptance.
Loyalty to their peers or friends who live wrong will help them to reject the truth of the Word of God and will help cause them to build rebellion in their own lives.
Lack of clear, significant answers to prayer can cause them to doubt the
reality of spiritual things and cause a rebellious spirit toward the things of God.
Admiration of those who mock authority and promote rebellion will build
the same in their lives -- rock stars, etc.
Questioning of the accuracy of the Bible may start them down the road of
doubt and then possibly a rebellious spirit.
Lack of consistent interest in the Bible and Christian service on the part of
the parents and others to whom they normally look for example and
leadership may help to build a rebellious spirit.
Every Christian needs to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit if we are going to be led by Him. We must be filled or controlled by the Holy Spirit. This does not just happen, but it is dependent upon our understanding of His work and
ministry in our lives.
A. Yield to the inner urgings to do Gods will. (Study the following)
1. Tit. 2:11-14
2. Eph. 6:6
3. Eph. 5:17-18
4. Phil. 2:13; Eph. 4:30
B. The Holy Spirit will often center on the little things that we dont think are important. (Eccl. 10:1; Song. of Sol. 2:15; I Kgs. 13)
C. His urgings and promptings will warn of approaching danger and will always be based Biblical truth to be applied. (I Cor. 10:12; Heb. 12:15; Matt 26:41)
D. His promptings are deadened by moral impurity, for He cannot lead and bring about the will of God when we are walking in immorality -- in thoughts, actions, attitudes or in deed.
(I Pet. 2:11; Rom. 1:21-24; Eph. 5:1-10)
E. His promptings become and weaker the longer that we resist obeying them. (Eph. 4:17-19; I Thess. 5:19)
F. His promptings will produce guilt when Gods Word is violated, and will produce godly character when God is obeyed.
(I Jh 3:20-24; Heb. 12:11-15, 28-29; Rom. 2:15)
G. His promptings and inner urgings will be the opposite of the fleshly appetites. (Gal. 5:16-17, 24)
H. His direct within us will always be in harmony with the Word of God. (II Tim. 3:16-17)
1. We had better be sure that we are not teaching from failure, but from corrected failure.
2. We need to be sure that we are walking right.
3. Table conversations in our homes ought to be a time of teaching, good times, asking questions, using that time as a spiritual training time. 4. Have regular eating times and consistent devotional times with the whole family -- make it meaningful.
How can we be real for God? How can we as DADS so live Christ in order that our families -- children and grandchildren will want to live for Christ? What are the ingredients toward being real?
.. not in other people, or yourself, but in the Word of God, in God Himself. (Look up the following verses, write in helpful statements.)
Psa. 138:2 ____________________________________________________
II Pet. 1:20-21__________________________________________________
I Thess. 2:13___________________________________________________
Matt. 4:4______________________________________________________
I Jh. 5:1-4_____________________________________________________
II Thess. 1:11-12________________________________________________
(Joshua 1:6-9; II Tim. 2:1-22)
A. Use the Bible to cleanse your mind of unscriptural ideas, philosophies, etc. Saturate your heart with the Word of God.
B. Sever any relationship with others that will adversely effect your life. Dont buddy with those who reject the truth of the Word of God. Dont become their companion. (Psa. 1:1-6; I Cor. 15:33; II Tim. 2:22)
C. Cleanse your life of unnecessary distractions which keep you from reading, studying, memorizing and meditating on the Scriptures.
1. Does TV control your life? Do you have sport interests, hobbies, etc.
that control your life?
2. Have you replaced what is wrong, empty, vain or sinful with what is right and pleasing to God?
3. Have your put good influences in your home? -- good books, missionary stories, etc.? (Check on what your children read and listen to.)
D. Stand up for the Lord on the job.
(I Pet. 3:13-16; 4:12-19 )
1. Are you living for the Lord on the job? Are you witnessing where you can, sharing the Word and manifesting a changed life in Christ?
2. Are you required to be dishonest or deceptive or to compromise your convictions where you work?
3. Has God ever convicted you about changing jobs?
4. Are the demands of your job destroying your family by forcing you to sacrifice time with God and with your family?
(I Cor. 2:9-14; II Cor. 10:3-5)
The devil is against the Bible! He will try to destroy the effectiveness of the
Word of God in your life. You must have the victory over him.
Every man must have a plan to memorize the Word of God.
Motivate yourself to memorize. . . only by the knowledge of the Word of
God will you have the discernment you desperately need to lead your family.
A. Have a specific goal.
B. Be accountable to someone.
C. Motivate yourself to have a reachable plan, and do it.
D. Attach a consequence when it is not done!!
Discernment comes only through the Word of God!
The basic conviction is that all Scripture is the inspired Word of God, and the
final authority for your LIFE.
This conviction means certain things:
A. The Bible is Gods message to man -- not mans message about God.
(II Pet. 2:20-21)
B. Every writer wrote without error as he was led by the Holy Spirit!
(Psa. 12:6; Matt. 5:18; II Pet. 1:19-21; Heb. 4:12; Jh 5:29)
C. God was not limited to the writers knowledge. (I Pet. 1:10, 12)
D. The Holy spirit teaches ME to understand the interpretation of Gods Word and its application in day to day living.
(II Pet. 1:20; Jh 16:12-13; Matt. 7:28-29; Jh 14:26; Heb. 4:12)
E. My ability to understand the Bible is not determined by my intellectual skills, but by my relationship to the Holy Spirit.
(Rom. 1:21; II Thess. 2:11-12; I Cor. 2:9-12)
F. The Bible MUST BE my only authority in all the decisions of life.
(Psa. 37:4-5; Psa. 1)
G. The Words of the Bible are life-giving expressions of Gods wisdom and character. (II Tim. 3:16; Col. 3:15-16; II Pet. 1:4)
H. The Word of God can and should be used to conquer the power of
Satan in my life. (Matt. 4:4-7; I Pet. 5:7-8; James 4:7)
V. BE A MAN OF UNDERSTANDING. . . Recognizing that. . .
(Prov. 4:23; 23:7; Matt 12:33-35)
An independent spirit is the basis of DISLOYALTY.
A condemning spirit is the basis of SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS.
An ungrateful spirit is the basis of DISSATISFACTION (discontentment).
A lazy spirit is the basis of DISHONESTY.
A bitter spirit is the basis of UNFORGIVENESS.
A demanding spirit is the basis of SELFISHNESS.
An impure spirit is the basis of SELF-INDULGENCE.
A reverent spirit.
The practice of a thankful spirit.
The practice of a humble spirit and heart.
The practice of a servants heart.
The practice of a loyal spirit.
... from sin, moral impurity, etc.
Consecrate your child (children) to God.
Teach your child to be alert to your spirit and to Gods Spirit.
Develop in his or her life the fear of God.
Give the child a sense of destiny, or worth, of what they mean to the Lord.
Guide the child to total surrender to the Lord.
Bring them to the assurance of personal salvation.
Train the child to stand alone.
Teach the child to discern character .
Saturate the childs heart and life with the Word of God.
Show him or her the consequences of sin.
Teach them to witness and to edify others.
Support him or her with your own fervent prayers.
Copyright 2000, Revival In The Home Ministries #