resource materials for every pastor or Christian worker. A must
read for any who counsel others, for it is Biblical, sound,
and very helpful
do I Feel the Way
I Feel?
Why Do I do What I do? html
our Emotions and subsequent Actions. This is an indepth study
about the impact of our thought life and was written out of
many hundreds of hours of counseling
seminar material was taught at the International Baptist College
in Tempe, AZ for those working on a Doctor and Master of Ministry
program. It also was well received by a number of pastorsÕ seminars.
It will give you a great counseling model, and an understanding
of many aspects concerning counseling. A very helpful appendix
is also included. Check it out!
you will find many aspects of marriage dealt with for the purpose
of counseling those in need. Homework is one of the most important
aspect in counseling and knowing what to give the couple to
study and then seeing them apply truth and bring change is one
of the greatest joys and benefits in the counseling process.
Here is homework ideas. This material would also lend itself
for teaching and preaching. I have often shared these truths
in the class room, from the pulpit and then in the informal
times in someoneÕs home. May God use it through you!
I work with many people in an ongoing counseling situation I
find that many are hurting and do not seem to find answers.
I have been burdened that I can help people find the answers
that bring healing for hurt, wholeness for brokenness, joy for
pain, and beauty for ashes. In a thrilling way, the Lord desires
to heal us in the midst of the failures, heartaches, and pains.
Often these come from devastating events and sinful practices
from which every Christian ought to desire to be set free. This
series of studies will bring individuals to an understanding
of God's answers and a recognition that God's Word does indeed
meet the needs of their hearts and lives.