this section, our goal is to share Christian ministry materials
on many different subjects and on different books of the Bible.
Free Bible studies that will minister to families and churches,
and to Christians who gather together in Bible study groups.
the years of ministry, I have often developed sermon series
on particular books of the Bible and on particular themes.
You will find many sermons and studies that can be used in
home Bible studies, for personal devotions, in Sunday School
classes and as sermon resource material.
is some overlap between this section and the ministry section,
so you will want to check both to see what we offer.
files are provided in two formats: html pages or pdf files.
The pdf files may be accessed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. If
you do not have this software, you may download it at
you are unable to download and use these files, please e-mail us, and we
will be happy to e-mail you the particular file you want. If
you need a particular study as a Microsoft Word document, or
as a text file, please e-mail us your request, with a description
of the specific usage you have in mind.
contact us for information about translating our materials.