Bitterness destroys the vessel in which is is kept. Do you recognize what bitterness does to a person? Do you understand how a person can become bitter and resentful of heart? Here are some helps for you.
Power is Ours
is what we need today, what every Christian needs; what
todayÕs church needs.When we study the Word of God we
come to the conclusion that David knew the power of
God, Gideon knew the power of God, and also Peter and
Paul knew the power of God. pdf
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by the Holy Spirit
issues a proclamation of liberty to every believer.
Our union with Him qualifies us to share His victory.
We are in a battle, will we fail? (Gal. 5:16-17) How
does ChristÕs victory become ours? How is His victory
translated into our experience? pdf
and html
Satanic Activity
you are like many Christians -- your passions are strong,
your behavior ruts run so deep. There were moments you
were optimistic, but you are back to that habit such
as eating too many calories, overcome by sexual lust
or the victim of negative attitudes and besetting sins.
What has gone wrong? pdf
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Things, Things!
we Christians are being crushed, not outright, but by
our many comforts and conveniences. The inditement of
Revelation three applies to us today for we are rich
and increased with goods, we have need of nothing. What
dupes we have become, dupes of our own desires. It has
been said: ÒDestiny has two ways of crushing us -- by
refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them.Ó pdf
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about Temptation?
you serious about breaking that sinful habit that rules
you? Do you really desire to live a godly life and not
have the guilt that you face in your life? pdf
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is Your Life?
English student asked, ÒWhy did God make me? Why Am
I here? What is the purpose of life?ÓLife
is a trust -- a loan from God for a short period of
time, Job 1:21 ÒThe Lord gave and the Lord hath taken
away; blessed be the Name of the Lord.Ó pdf
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so much Temptation?
habits begin innocently enough, but if we do not master
them, they will surely master us. We have all experienced
the cycle: enjoy a forbidden pleasure, feel guilty,
determine never to do it again, take pride in brief
moments of self-control, then fail once more. pdf
and html
for Sale in Sodom
of the greatest tragedies in all the Word of God is
the story of Lot and his family. I think this story
has some of the strongest lessons for us of anything
in the Word of God. Sermon on worldliness are rare these
days. The new word is secularism pdf
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Glory of Motherhood
word, Mother is one of the most beautiful words in any
language. It is one of the first words that we learn
to say as a babe. There is power in this dear word.
I once read the story of a burglar who returned a stolen
watch to the owner because he could not stand to see
on the back of the watch the words, ÒTo my son, from
Mother, on his birthday!Ó Thank God for what consecrated,
praying, Christian mothers have meant to the world.
The most influential person on earth is a mother. pdf
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and the Scriptures
means new life; you can only revive that which is weak.
Revival is something which God does among His own people
first; and the only candidates for revival are those
who are prepared to confess there is sin and lack in
their lives. pdf
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Bitterness and Resentment
of us has at some time felt that we have been wronged
by another person. At that point we either become resentful
and possibly bitter, or we learn to handle these wrongs
in a more godly manner. pdf
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God Says about the Heart
word, heart, is used over 900 times in the Word of God.
It must be important! God has been in the heart transplant
business for centuries. Consider Ezekiel 36:26, 27.
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Great Salvation
study of Eph. 2: 1-10. Three great things I see in this
passage are Man's great need, God's wonderful provision
and Salvation's wondrous result. Ninety two times the
word saved is used in the New Testament. Do we truly
understand God's salvation? pdf
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You have Strongholds?
is a stronghold? How do strongholds begin? The word
means a citadel, a fortress wtihin. A stronghold is
an area of the life of a Christian where sin is entrenched,
where the devil has access to the life to bring further
sin and failure. What will you do about your stronghold? pdf
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Awaiting the Believer
you have rewards in heaven? Will someone else receive
the crown that God wants you to have? Why will he give
rewards and what are they?
study from John 11. Martha calls for her sister with
the words, "The Master is here and he calleth for
thee." The Master is here today and he calls for
you. Let us dwell upon these words and their meaning
to us, now, today. pdf
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is one thing to forgive; quite anohter thing to maintain
a forgiving spirit. Marriage is two people living together
who must be great forgivers. Do you know how to guard
your heart with a forgiving spirit? pdf
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in Suffering
do suffering and glory relate? Does suffering bring
glory in the life of a Christian? How can we handle
the suffering that God allows to come to our lives? pdf
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No matter how much we pray; how much you give, do, serve, or are busy in activities for the Lord, if we are not in His will it avails but very little. God gives us many directives toward knowing His will. This includes six studies on knowing and doing the will of God -- practical, helpful, insightful!
you study the book of Acts you will naturally note the
work of the Holy Spirit. He is spoken of over sixty times
in the Book of Acts. I am afraid that many Christians
are even afraid of the personal and work of the Holy Spirit.
Do you know Him? Do you know the Holy Spirit?
knew that the fiery trial was about to take place. (I
Pet. 1:12) He wanted the entire church family to be prepared
to endure suffering. Suffering. . . that is the norm of
the Christian life. The main subject in I Peter is suffering
-- suffering because of our faith, suffering as a means
of purifying, and suffering in the will of God as a testimony
of GodÕs grace.
places a premium on the home, and we need to remember
that society cannot rise higher than the home. In fact,
the home is the very foundation of civilization! Many
have a house but they have never built a home. What about
15 gives us three tremendous pictures of the heart of
God, the Father. In these stories we witness the concern
in heaven over every lost person. We have the story of
the lost sheep.... and the lost coin... and the lost son...
the prodigal son who spent all in riotous living who had
left father and home to do as he pleased. But what about
the prodigal's brother? What do we read about him?
learn from the Word of God that all Christians must appear
before the Judgement Seat of Christ that we might receive
a reward for the deeds done in the body, or there we will
suffer the loss of rewards. What does God say about rewards?
Why is it so important?
that GodÕs very character is revealed through His providential
workings. God desires that we would see, know, consider,
and understand His greatness, reality, and majesty through
the acts of His providence.
does the Word of God mean when God says... "Where there
is NO vision, the people perish?" See Proverbs 29:18.
What does the word VISION mean?? In Spiritual terminology
to have vision means having "Divine perspective," Divine
wisdom, "Divine insight or illumination," and "vision"
are roughly equivalent terms. The text shows us negatively
how important vision is! An individual's sight depends
on the lens he looks through, his hearing depends upon
the filter he listens through. So, what is the value
of vision?
is often misunderstood. This study will help you to better
understand what it means to be yielded, surrendered unto
the Lord. Study for personal profit and or sharing with
the substitutionary vicarious death of Christ scriptural?
Yes! It is entirely in line with all human experience
and historic evidence. All human progress is built upon
sacrifice, upon the lose of human blood, of the price
of life itself.