Here are ten studies, In the Training Camp, on the Christian's warfare from Ephesians 6:10-18.
This section of the Word of God could be called “A Call to Arms.” Paul states in I Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of faith.” We as Christians are in a warfare, but this is something we seldom think about. That the Christian is involved in warfare is the consistent teaching of the Scriptures. Paul, in evaluating his life, said, “I have fought a good fight” (II Tim. 4:7). This series would benefit you or others greatly!
Here are over 40 pages, 10 lessons or chapters on the Book of First Peter. Make it a personal study, or the content could be used by a family for devotions, or for a Bible Study class, or by a pastor for sermons, or by a missionary in another country.
book of I John is one of the most precious studies that
anyone could enter into. Here is a family epistle, GodÕs
truth to His own. This is Òfoundational truthÓ and one
of the most vital books for every Christian to study.
Thirty eight times you will find the word, ÒknowÓ for
there are some very definite things you must know. Here
is a great study for any Sunday School class, for a
menÕs group, or for a host of other uses. Here is a
personal study... just for YOU!
is clear that doctrine was not unimportant to Christ,
as some want to claim today. In fact the more people depart
from Scripture, the more they dislike hearing doctrine
as it might be taught in the printed page or preached
from the pulpit.
This is a brief introduction to a survey of the Gospels. What did God give us four gospels, and what do they mean to us? How do you respond to the variables of the accounts of the four gospels?