This study of the Book of Daniel is nearly 60 pages, of 13 lessons or chapters,
making it a very thorough presentation of this tremendous book.
It would make a good personal study, useable to a Bible class, or for the
preparation of messages by a pastor or missionary.
Here is a unique,
thorough study of the Book of Joshua... The theme is:
Marching Under God's Orders. Study verse by verse through
the book, covering 17 chapters of material. Great for
personal study, for the Bible Class, for anyone who is
teaching the book of Joshua.
Jacob and Joseph: a Study in Actions and Reactions
do we respond to life -- to all it's stimuli, the events,
circumstances and people that God puts into our lives?
Do we recognize the impact of our actions and reactions
in life? Could it be we seldom understand the full
extent of the power of our reactions? What do you do with
the things that seem so unfair in life?
Book of Proverbs is basically about different kinds of
people, what they believe, and how they interact with
other people. In Proverbs chapters 1- 9, we casually meet
five different kinds of people: the wise, the wicked,
the fool, the simple, and the scorner.
is a detailed study of a number of precious Psalms. These
will speak to your heart; they can be used for personal
study, for a classroom situation, small group Bible study,
family devotions, and for a pastor's preaching as well.
Read and be blessed!
live in a day when many people consider the Old Testament
Law as legalism. Consider that christ restrengthened every
one of the Ten Commandments inthe New Testament, with
the exception of one! Here is a study of all ten commandments,
plus one!
is a detailed study of the tremendous book of revival,
victory and building. You will find this study refreshing
for personal use and very usable for devotionals, Sunday
School classes and small groups.