Biblical Distinctives of Our Faith

This is a presentation about Biblical, Baptist’s Distinctives. It includes 10 chapters of about 35 pages, with a closing chapter with review questions. Excellent for a Bible class study, personal study, etc. What should we believe and why? Do we truly understand what the Bible teaches in areas of controversy and what is truth or error?

Heart for the Church

There can be great joy and blessing from church membership, here we deal with need of a passion for the church and how we can serve.

Baptist Distinctives

What does the Word of God teach about such aspects as salvation, regeneration, repentance, preservation, and many other important doctrines that a local church must uphold?  How are Baptist's different?
Baptist History and Beliefs
It is interesting to see what others say about Baptist?  We have a unique history and this is an aspect that most Baptists have so little knowledge.  Do you know?
Bible Discipline
Here we deal with the subject of discipline in the local church—such things as elements, limits, goals and objectives, the spirit of discipline, etc.
Doctrine of the Local Church
My goal here is to deal with all the important elements of truth from the Word of God about God's Church — the body of Christ, the glory of such truth in all's importance to every believer.
Importance of the Local Church
Why is the church so vital?  How is it an organism and an organization? What is it's character?  The Word teaches us much about the church— it's local manifestation, etc.

The Church & It's Ordinances

This is a detailed study about baptism, the Lord's table, application to our lives, and the truths as the Scriptures give them.

Can You Minister to Others?

What kind of characteristics do we need to truly minister to others? What does the New Testament teach us about ministering to others. Are you what God wants you to be?

Importance of the Local Church

Why do we have a local church? What is the purpose of the church? Is the church important?, if so why? How should we regard the local church?

Developing a Family Ministry in the Local Church

Does the church help the family to stand in this hostile world? Do we have a ministry to help it become salt and light? We are not permanent members of this society; we have our citizenship in heaven. The family is in tremendous need today! The church needs answers, and church leaders need to face honestly the problems of today and to implement the kind of church family ministry that will make the difference. It is my intent to share answers in this presentation of having a Church Family Ministry.

Reaching the Lost with the Gospel

Preparing Christians to Reach the Lost! In this study we especially want to address a church’s outreach through the people God has given to the local church.

Pastor and People

A detailed study about the reciprocal relationship between a pastor and his people. A helpful aid to understand how you as a church member, ought to respond to your pastor.
The Fundamental Top 500  
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