Many Christian wrestle with sinful habits in two major areas: anger and lust. Sinful habits of anger and lust bring great destruction to the life of a Christian. God wants to heal and liberate you from the strongholds that Satan brings into your life.
Nearly 1/3 of the Psalms written by King David illustrate the power of disappointment, despair and disillusion in the life of a follower of God. David found that when he opened up his heart to God, God answered... he heard from God.
We often think that we want prayer to be profitable. We want to get quick answers. We know nothing about agonizing and travailing in prayer. We know little about praying with tears, lifting our burdens for others to God.
God not only has the power to give mighty answers to prayer, He has the disposition, the desire to do so. He delights in answering prayers for big things for His children who love and serve Him.
5:16b ..The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man availeth much. Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ
was -- above teaching, and healing for He departed into
the desert to pray when many were needy all about Him.
Lk 5:15-16. This study will challenge you to participate
in God's will through prayer.
about the prayer ministry of Epaphras. Paul would have
known of his prayer life as he was in voluntary confinement
in order to be with Paul. Here was a man of zeal, concern,
and burden. He prayed constantly -- always -- Cf. Col.
4:2. He did not pray because he was told to pray, or when
others prayed, but he must have lived a life of prayer.