concepts concerning Christ, the Master Teacher, will help
you become a better teacher. This will be very helpful
to you, read and study for your benefit.
Prospecting & Growth: Growing a Bible Class html
will give you many suggestions and helps toward building
a great Bible class.
NOTEBOOK # 1, Teaching Training, These Teaching Techniqes
will help you as a parent as well as a teacher or a
pastor. This series includes such things as: Fantastic
Story Telling, Teaching a Bible Lesson, Gaining and
Holding Your Child's Attention, Preparing a Bible Lesson,
the Importance of Child Development, Presenting the
Gospel Story, and Motivating Others for God's Glory.
NOTEBOOK # 2, Teaching Training, Here is another series
of Teaching Techniqes. These will give guidance to all
parents, students of the Word, teacher, and pastors.
Here you will find th following: Ideas and Helps on
How to Teach a Lesson, Teaching the Lesson, Preparing
to Teach the Word of God, Keys to Unlocking the Word
of God, How to Successfully Teach Other's Materials,
and Using Gestures in Teaching. A study of these will
help any serious Bible student.
HAVE WORKERS' MEETINGS These helps will give aid any leader
of Sunday School. Here are ideas, suggestions, guidance
and encouragement for all who love Bible Study hour in
the local church. Why not read, ponder, and get ideas
from this material?