Do you have the Heart of Your Child?
You can seemingly do everything right and still lose your child. If you do not have his heart, you do not have the child. If God doesn't have his heart, it will be even more difficult for you to hold his heart.

Biblical Principles for Molding Children

Biblical discipline is sometimes confusing to parents. This study gives a clear picture of what it means to mold a child for the glory of God. God warns us not to discipline in such a way that we provoke our child to wrath on one hand, nor that we discourage them, and break their spirit on the other hand.

Are Your Children at Risk?

Here are Biblical principles to practice that we might not lose our children or youth. They are at risk... and so is every parent at risk that they won't do what God has commanded. Study these 10 chapters of 67 pages for great benefit.

Parenting in the Twentieth Century

Here is a study that will challenge the parent in new insights -- different ways of looking at parenting! Among other things this is a consideration of our verbal impact on our children, Is your home full of verbal toxic waste? Is it a dumping station? Do we truly practice the clear directions of God's Holy word in the molding of our children? This is a question we must face! (12 chapters, 57 pages.. teach it, preach it, study it at home.. use it)

Discipling our Children

One of the areas of greatest neglect is the discipling of our own children. We ought to read and study Matthew 28:18-20 often as we see clearly in the great commission that we are to "teach all things" and this demands discipling. We ought to be concerned about discipling our own youth and children. Their very future depends upon our consistency in molding their lives for Christ.

Dealing with Sexual Abuse of Children

One study revealed that one-fifth to one-third of all women reported that they experienced some sort of childhood sexual encounter with an adult male. Yet boys are more likely to be abused than girls. How can we deal with such a terrible thing? Something must be done!

Answers for Hurting Parents and Grandparents

We are living in a day that parents and grandparents rearing their grandchildren are seeking Biblical answers for the daily problems that confront them. Ungodly influences from teachers, school peers, friends and the media impact our children every day. Learn how to instill godly values and character into your children.
Atmosphere in Child Rearing
What kind of atmosphere promotes learning and growth in the home? What did Christ teach us in Matthew 18:1-14? If we were to study through this portion we would discover a number of things. We are to love our children, accept them, not neglect them, not offend them, and to bring them to Christ. Study on...
Children Doing What Is Wise
How do we teach righteousness to our children? There is so much about righteousness in Proverbs chapters 10 - 13, check it out!
Character Building and Shapening Lives
Character is the result of six things: 1. The choices you make, 2. the values you embrace, 3. the thinking that directs you, 4. the truths you hold on to, 5. the crisis you experience, and 6. the mentor or discipler you choose.
The Fundamental Top 500  
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