New - Coping with Conflict Biblically
How do you handle conflict in your marriage? Here are some very important principles that will aid you, your loved ones, and others you might want to help.
New - Choosing Constructive Conflict
Conflict in any marriage is inevitable. How should we approach it? What do we do with conflict? How can we respond in a way that will make a difference?
Ten Ways to Bless a Marriage
Here are ten ways on a one page presentation of how to give great blessing to our spouse. Practice them, memorize them, and be blessed! Could also be used for a counseling presentation.

Oneness in Marriage


It is God's will that every couple knows that it is to walk in oneness. This is a mind to mind, heart to heart, soul to soul, and body to body response. This includes the sexual, as well as the deepest times of spiritual fellowship. Do you have such oneness?
Marriage Helps
What about rejection in marriage? How can we build a great marriage? How are things in your marriage? Do you have understand of yourself and your spouse?
Overcoming the Problem of Anger in Marriage
Anger is probably the worst problem in most marriages! Many fail to control their anger. God has answers for this problem. Do you have an open or closed spirit to His direction
Twenty Rules for a Great Marriage
Do you want a great marriage? Here are some hints!
Marriage, You Can Make It
Marriage... You Can Make It: This message is for husbands and wives who want their marriage to succeed. It is also for those who are remarried and are finding it is necessary to work as hard, or harder, the second time.

Family Theology (study)

What does the Word of God say about the family? It is very important that we know. How can the local church have a greater ministry to families in need?

Counsel for the Christian Family (book)
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A major work of over 50 pages. This is a very complete study about the family -- including why marriages fail, roles of the spouses, communication, financial aspects, building love again, rearing children, how to save your marriage and more.

Christian Family Living (book)

Establishing and maintaining a Christian home is the greatest contribution a man will make in a lifetime. CHRISTIAN FAMILY LIVING presents practical, Biblical instruction in areas dealing with home and family relationships in an outline study format that enables Christians to gain greater understanding from their personal Bible study relating to these subjects.

Making Right Choices in Marriage (study)

A thorough presentation covering many aspects that make up a good marriage. Making good choices, knowing what we ought to choose, choosing constructive - helpful conflict, choosing to understand each other and many other timely subjects. Over 50 pages of very helpful Biblical material. Dig deep, it is there to help you.

God's Desire for Marriage
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A brief presentation of GodŐs major purpose for marriage and the family from Maliachi chapter 2 and Matthew chapter 18. What does God desire from the family? Will your family fulfill His purpose?

Bonding... Not Bondage

Marriage is a commitment to love! What will hold a marriage together? Romantic love is often idealistic. God loves us even though He knows us truly and thoroughly. He loves us despite our faults and sins. You can build the blessing of bonding, not bondage.
Important Keys to Marriage Enrichment
How can a couple entering into loving intimacy as a couple? How can they build their lives as husbands and wives for GodŐs glory? Here are keys to help you grow in insights and abilities toward a great marriage! Become a better spouse! Have GodŐs best in marriage and in the home!

Tools for the Christian Family (workbook)
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Here is the how to book that will lead the way in building character traits and give guidance toward a functioning Christian family. Tips for family devotional times. Any family serious about rearing godly children will find many helpful ideas.
Facing Conflict in Marriage
A friend spoke with pride of the coffee stains on the dining room ceiling. "They are a symbol of the good relationship my wife and I have," he said. "In our marriage, we let out our anger. Sometimes we hurl cups at each other - filled with coffee!"

The Fundamental Top 500

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