Suffering as Men
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Life is a struggle. The desire of most men is to be happy, to avoid pain and suffering, and to escape from the bleak life of difficulty that so many men seem to lead.

Men Programming their Lives
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Do we find ourselves out of control at times? Do we feel trapped in our own emotional responses of resentment, anger, loneliness, guilt, stress, etc.? How do we respond to the events, circumstances, and people that God puts into our lives?

Things that Defeat a Man

In this study I will present topics that relate to our emotional growth. There is an interdependent counterpart between the spiritual and the emotional parts of a man. Growing emotionally means that we men learn to handle anger, fear, bitterness, and other negative emotions as Christ would. As we seek to become more like Him, one by-product will be emotional maturity-- the fruit of spiritual growth.

Men Controlling their Lives

When we begin to look at our lives and are thoroughly honest we will note that often we fall into ruts in our thought life, our reactions, actions, and attitudes of life. These ruts are often inner heart sins. Also when we examine our lives we will note that some things are indeed roots and not just symptoms. It is my prayer that the Lord will wonderfully use the things that are shared here. I desire this to be a help to every man. May God bless.

Maximizing Your Manhood
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What kind of man are you? Here are the dynamics of being a godly man and succeeding at it. Become all that God wants you to be! Build the relationships that will honor the Lord. Set goals that will help you succeed.

Men and the Family Finances

Men, what does money mean to you? Here are some indepth helps for a couple in their financial management.

Men of the Bible

Understanding how to be a leader -- becoming a manŐs man -- growing up, maturing for God --- all this and more you will receive from this series of 23 lessons, 71 pages. Useful in many ways.. for pastor, teacher, menŐs group or personal study.

Dynamic Men for God

What are the ingredients for effective spiritual leadership? Are you a man of conviction, discernment, confidence and action. You can be. This could be also used in many different situations by pastors and leaders of men.

Becoming God's Leader in your family.

What greater joy could you have than being a wonderful leader? Here are 23 pages, of three chapters that will challenge your life. Go for it!

Men who Protect Themselves

How do you react to those you love? How do we so easily build a wall instead of a bridge to those we love the most? Here are four chapters of over 20 pages to help you. Check on it!

Men Whose Hearts God has Touched

God is still blessing men? God touches the hearts of men... be one of them.

Power for a Man's Life

Oh, to have the power of God upon oneŐs life. What do you we need more? Do you know the power of prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit? Here are 7 chapters of 20 pages that will bless your heart.

The Man and His Marriage

Do you understand your wife? Do you live joyfully with her? You could know that great joy. Here are 4 chapters, 18 pages of guidance.

Get Control of Our Lives

When we begin to look at our lives and are thoroughly honest we will note that often we fall into ruts in our thought life, our reactions, actions, and attitudes of life. And someone has well said that a Ňrut is a grave with both ends knocked out!Ó These ruts are often inner heart sins. Also when we examine our lives we will note that some things are indeed roots and not just symptoms.

Building Oneness and Intimacy

MEN, ARE YOU BUILDING ONENESS AND INTIMACY? ... How can you have glorious oneness and blessed intimacy. Look and see!

Men and their Personal Lives

I trust that as a man you will study this for personal profit. If you are a Sunday School teacher or a leader of men then I hope you will down load this, study it with the express purpose of teaching other men. May the Lord use you to challenge and build the lives of many men.











The Fundamental Top 500


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